UCF: Adidas vs. Nike

In 2009, Marcus Jordan, son of famous basketball star Michael Jordan came to UCF as a freshman on a full ride basketball scholarship. UCF, at the time, was sponsored by Adidas. At an exhibition game against St. Leo, Marcus wore a pair of white Air Jordan sneakers knowing that the school was sponsored by Adidas. Jordan said he will only wear his father’s Nike Air Jordan shoes because they hold a special meaning to his family. Soon after, Adidas dropped their sponsorship with UCF because of this incident. Less than one year later, Nike swooped in and from July 1st on, UCF was officially sponsored by Nike. Thanks to Marcus Jordan of course. This is a win win situation for Jordan, Nike, and UCF. Marcus Jordan can wear his sneakers, Nike saves the day as Adidas looks like the bad guy, and UCF gets brand new Nike gear for all of its sports. 

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